Wednesday 17 February 2010

Quick tips raise and lose weight

Actually the name up and deal with your weight on the concept only by regulating the balance intake with expenditure. It is best to consult a doctor. thus can be calculated how much energy you use every day and how many calories you need.

Ok, tips that will make up the first weight, the most important thing is not just you eat a lot, but the most important thing is that you eat foods that contain higher calories than you need a day. For example, you can replace the rice with the bread because the bread calories greater than rice, or you can also eat rice at mealtimes but then once an hour snack bread. Exercise also helps increase your weight. The trick is to eat right after exercise high-calorie foods such as bread, milk, nuts, etc.. nah, maybe tips that can be tried.

Tips for a want ngurusin body, you do not ever have the desire to fall dramatically. Lower your weight slowly. Figures pound per week is a good number. So you lose about 2-2 1 / 2 pounds per month. menu should be tailored to gender and your current weight. For a while, less fatty foods, eat fruits that contain water an hour before meals, eating between 150-200 grams of rice to eat. Do not eliminate any one meal period. Often do-want to lose weight do not eat that night, then this pattern should be avoided, just do not eat more than 7 hours a night and eating in moderation, multiply fibrous vegetables. Avoid fruits like durian, mango, banana, and jackfruit. also avoid snacking and eating noodles. Exercise three times a week, and after waiting 1-2 hours exercise and then eat.

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