Monday 22 February 2010

LINKIN PARK Will Release The Fourth Album In Early 2010

Linkin Park New Album 2010 - In the midst of involvement in the recent Transformers movie is Transformers Revenge of the Fallen and some angotanya busy with solo projects. Linkin Park works hard to manufacture their fourth album, which probably came out in 2010. Actually, the fourth album will be released this year, due to busy with Chester Bennington Dead By Sunrise is the release plan was postponed until probably early 2010. Title and producers could not be confirmed for Linkin Park's fourth album is. But Linkin Park has just been menberikan the fans' New Divide "which is the soundtrack for Transformers Revenge of the Fallen.
According to Mike Shinoda notice to about the album, the fourth LP, they have a lot of writing material for their fourth album and a half has been completed, but he could not vouch for every day of the personnel and menuangka gather ideas and assess to improve or make reforms of materials Linkin Park's fourth album later.

Shinoda said that Linkin Park will provide the color change of the music from their album in 2007 "Minutes to Midnight" except for an interesting transition for the album "Minutes to Midnight", as Chester Bennington solo project with Dead By Sunrise. The fourth album will not be like the albums before like Linkin Park "Hybrid Theory" and "Minutes to Midnight" but this fourth album will be perceived not merely as a rock album, but Linkin Park will also experiment with other approaches.

He acknowledged that elements of rap not so much on the album "Minutes to Midnight" will be more pronounced during this fourth album. Shinoda said he has written material for an album he plans to take some people "Fort Minor (Mike rap side project)" and dumped into the LP album. "I want to record sounds different, so you'll hear more rapping on this album, Linkin Park.

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